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12 Incredible Places to Eat and Drink in Sayulita, Mexico

Located along the sun-kissed shores of Mexico's Pacific coast, this enchanting coastal town beckons food enthusiasts and wanderers alike to embark on a delectable journey through its charming streets. In this blog, I'll uncover the best places to eat and drink in Sayulita, Mexico, as well as answer other questions pertaining to the town's nightlife and dining scene. 

Sayulita's adorable downtown scene is a visual feast in itself, with colorful facades, bustling market stalls, and a lively energy that sets the stage for a gastronomic adventure like no other.

Sayulita's culinary landscape is a captivating medley of experiences, where world-class dining establishments stand shoulder to shoulder with humble yet unforgettable streetside taco stands. The town effortlessly marries high-class restaurants that beckon innovative fusions and gourmet creations while also embracing the authenticity and simplicity of local street food culture. Whether you're craving the elegance of freshly caught seafood or the humble delight of a perfectly grilled taco, Sayulita has a treasure trove of culinary delights that cater to every palate and preference.

Bonus: Discover the best things to do in Sayulita and more in my detailed travel guide!

Best Restaurants in Sayulita

From oceanside eateries that offer the catch of the day to cozy hideaways serving time-honored recipes passed down through generations, Sayulita's dining establishments are an embodiment of its soul. Listed below are five incredible places to eat in Sayulita.


Xochi, a culinary gem nestled in the heart of Sayulita, is a true embodiment of Mexican gastronomic artistry. With a name that pays homage to the revered Aztec goddess of flowers, Xochi blossoms as a haven of flavors that captivate both the palate and the soul. This enchanting restaurant seamlessly blends traditional and contemporary elements to craft an immersive dining experience that resonates with authenticity and innovation.

From succulent seafood delicacies that pay tribute to the nearby Pacific waters to artisanal creations that highlight the vibrant produce of the region, every plate is a masterpiece that tells a story of Mexico's culinary heritage. Whether you're savoring a handcrafted cocktail at the vibrant bar or indulging in a multi-course feast under the starlit sky, Xochi's dedication to elevating traditional flavors to new heights is evident in every delightful bite. Xochi is more than a restaurant; it's a celebration of Mexico's culinary tapestry, an ode to the rich heritage that defines Sayulita's essence.

El Espresso

Embrace the relaxed feel of Sayulita's mornings with a visit to El Espresso, a charming eatery that beckons you to embrace the heartwarming essence of traditional Mexican breakfast. The menu is a love letter to Mexico's rich breakfast traditions, from chilaquiles to breakfast tostadas.

Of course, no traditional Mexican breakfast is complete without a perfectly brewed cup of coffee. El Espresso takes pride in its artful preparation, offering you a chance to savor the rich, bold flavors of locally sourced beans, ensuring that each sip is a tribute to the region's coffee culture.

100% Vegana Taqueria 2

Tucked away like a delicious secret within the vibrant streets of Sayulita is a culinary gem that unveils a hidden vegan scene like no other – welcome to 100% Vegana Taqueria 2, one of the best restaurants in Sayulita. As you step into this unassuming eatery, you're transported to a world where plant-based cuisine takes center stage.

Contrary to its modest exterior, 100% Vegana Taqueria 2 is a haven of creativity and culinary innovation. The menu is a testament to the boundless possibilities of vegan cuisine, where traditional Mexican flavors intertwine with a commitment to cruelty-free ingredients. 

The heart of 100% Vegana Taqueria 2 lies in its commitment to crafting authentic Mexican dishes without compromising on ethical choices. Sink your teeth into flavorful tacos bursting with marinated jackfruit, perfectly replicating the texture and taste of traditional meat. Indulge in velvety guacamole generously scooped onto handmade tortillas, and relish the freshness of locally sourced produce.

Whether you're a committed vegan, a curious foodie, or someone simply seeking a delectable and guilt-free dining experience, this small restaurant beckons you to embrace a world of flavor that's both unexpected and unforgettable.


Tiburón was easily one of the cutest restaurants in Sayulita that I had the pleasure of eating at, not to mention its incredibly diverse menu. From ceviche that bursts with zesty freshness to grilled seafood that dances on your palate, every bite is a tribute to the bountiful treasures of the Pacific waters.

The fusion of flavors, inspired by both traditional Mexican cuisine and international influences, results in dishes that surprise and delight the palate. Pair your meal with a handcrafted cocktail or a fine wine for a truly extraordinary dining experience.


​​At Mexicolate, cacao isn't just an ingredient; it's a story that unfolds with every sip and every bite. The menu is a love letter to the cacao bean, showcasing its versatility and depth. Whether you're sipping on a velvety cup of traditional Mexican hot chocolate, indulging in handcrafted truffles that dance on your palate, or savoring a cacao-infused creation that reimagines dessert, each offering is a symphony of flavors that pay homage to this revered ingredient.

I opted for a refreshing cacao "ice cream," but it was definitely hard to narrow down my choices. The small store also sells a variety of products featuring cacao, such as cocoa butter and lip balm.

Best Bars for Sayulita’s Nightlife


My favorite drinking spot in Sayulita, YamBak, is a beer garden by day and a lively nightclub by night, bringing in talented DJs to entertain crowds until the wee hours of the night. Bonus Tip: Tuesdays are “Two for Tuesday,” meaning that drinks are 2 for 1 for their best-selling drinks, like margaritas!

Bar Don Pato

This three-story bar is the go-to place for dancing and late-night raving. Expect a small cover charge on high-volume nights. However, this small charge will also entitle you to a free tequila shot once inside. Open from 8 pm-3 am each night (until 4 am on Fridays and Saturdays), you can always count on Bar Don Pato to offer you a fun night out.

Barrilito Sayulita

Known as “The Red Bar” by locals, Barrilito Sayulita always attracts a crowd, whether through its intimate dance floor inside or its outside seats ascending the street on the side of the building. Margaritas here are 2 for 1 during happy hour, giving you all the more reason to indulge in this drink while in Mexico.

Selina the Garden

Selina The Garden is an open-air tiki restaurant that transforms into an energetic dancefloor at night. We happened upon this bar on our first night in Sayulita and were able to undergo a makeover of sorts thanks to the employee doing face/body painting. It was a fun night, but we didn’t last here since the DJs were playing strictly techno music that night, which we grew tired of after about an hour.

Latitude 20 Sayulita

A block from the beach, Latitude 20 is a smaller establishment that often has live performers frequenting its venue. It’s a bit more of a casual spot for a night out, but it’s fun to pop into, especially on Karaoke Mondays, which start at 10 pm!

Hula Sayulita

A bit more expensive than the rest on this list, Hula Sayulita is a tropical-themed bar with an upscale beach aesthetic. Their rooftop dance floor can get quite lively depending on where everyone in town is partying that night, but it makes for a great stop while in Sayulita!

Wild Iris

I was brought to Wild Iris by a local and ended up becoming friends with the bartender here. I loved the open concept of this bar, as our backs faced the open street. I enjoyed the menu and highly recommend visiting during your trip!

How Expensive Is Food in Sayulita?

The cost of food in Sayulita can vary widely depending on your dining preferences and where you choose to eat. Generally, Sayulita offers a range of options to accommodate different budgets, from affordable street food to upscale dining experiences. I stuck to the low-cost options during my stay there and found everything to be pretty affordable according to my standards. However, it is important to prepare yourself financially for any trip, so continue reading to see how much you can expect to spend at the incredible restaurants in Sayulita.

Street food and local eateries: Sayulita is known for its vibrant street food scene, where you can find delicious and budget-friendly options like tacos, tamales, and fresh fruit. You can enjoy a satisfying meal from a street vendor for a relatively low cost, usually ranging from $5 to $10 USD per person.

Casual dining and mid-range restaurants: There are numerous mid-range restaurants in Sayulita that offer a diverse range of cuisines, including Mexican, seafood, and international fare. Prices at these establishments can vary, but you can expect to pay around $10 to $30 USD per person for a meal, depending on your choices.

Upscale and fine dining: If you're looking for a more upscale dining experience with gourmet dishes and a refined atmosphere, Sayulita has a few high-end restaurants to choose from. These establishments typically offer a prix fixe menu or à la carte options, and prices can range from $30 to $100 USD or more per person.

Groceries and self-catering: If you're planning to cook your own meals or have snacks on hand, groceries in Sayulita can be relatively affordable, especially if you shop at local markets. Fresh produce, staples, and snacks can be purchased at reasonable prices, allowing you to prepare meals at a lower cost compared to dining out.

Overall, Sayulita offers a variety of dining options to suit different budgets. It's possible to enjoy delicious meals without breaking the bank, particularly if you explore street food and local eateries. However, keep in mind that prices can fluctuate based on factors such as the restaurant's location, menu offerings, and the time of year you visit.

Can You Drink Tap Water in Sayulita?

While the tap water in Sayulita might be considered safe for locals who have built up immunity to the local water supply, it's generally not recommended for tourists to drink tap water directly from the tap. The water quality and sanitation standards may differ from what travelers are accustomed to, which can lead to gastrointestinal issues.

In order to ensure your health and well-being during your visit to Sayulita, it's advisable to stick to bottled or purified water for drinking and cooking purposes. Many accommodations provide bottled water for guests, and bottled water is widely available for purchase throughout the town. My hostel also provided on-site water dispensers, which were convenient for staying hydrated.

Additionally, be cautious when consuming beverages with ice, as the ice may be made from tap water. To be safe, opt for drinks without ice or ask if the establishment uses purified water for ice.

By taking these precautions and being mindful of the water you consume, you can help prevent potential health issues during your stay in Sayulita.

Does Sayulita Have Nightlife?

Yes, Sayulita does have a vibrant nightlife scene that comes alive after the sun sets. While Sayulita is known for its laid-back and bohemian atmosphere during the day, the town transforms into a lively hub of entertainment and socializing after dark. I was pleasantly surprised by this and found myself coming back later and later each night, returning home after the roosters had already begun crowing. While this led to some exhaustion, I had serious FOMO and had to take advantage of the fun nightlife options, even if it meant heading to the beach at 5 am with a group of friends!

Sayulita's nightlife offers a diverse range of options to suit different tastes and preferences. While there is never any pressure to participate in this nightlife, it is available for those who want to experience a night out in Mexico!

Is it Safe to Walk Around Sayulita at Night?

Sayulita is generally considered safe to walk around at night, but like any destination, it's important to exercise caution and take certain safety precautions to ensure a pleasant and worry-free experience.

Here are some tips to help you stay safe while walking around Sayulita at night:

  1. Stay in Well-Lit Areas: Stick to well-lit streets and areas that are populated with locals and tourists. Avoid poorly lit or deserted streets, especially if you're unfamiliar with the area.

  2. Travel in Groups: Whenever possible, walk with a group of friends or fellow travelers. There's safety in numbers, and having company can deter potential incidents.

  3. Use Established Paths: Stick to established paths, roads, and sidewalks. Avoid shortcuts through isolated areas or unfamiliar terrain.

  4. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off or uncomfortable, trust your instincts and move to a safer location. It's always better to err on the side of caution.

  5. Know the Local Emergency Numbers: Familiarize yourself with the local emergency contact numbers, just in case you need assistance.

It's worth noting that while Sayulita is generally safe, no destination is completely immune to crime. Petty theft, such as pickpocketing or bag snatching, can occur in crowded areas, so it's important to remain vigilant. I felt safe my entire time in Sayulita, but it is always important to be aware of your surroundings, especially as a solo female traveler.

What Is the Drinking Age in Sayulita, Mexico?

The legal drinking age in Mexico, including Sayulita, is 18 years old. This means that individuals who are 18 years of age or older are legally allowed to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages. 

There are so many incredible places to eat and drink in Sayulita, Mexico, and I hope to return someday to discover even more! I love digging into the local cuisine, and Sayulita has a wide variety of options to choose from. From breakfast tostadas to vegan tacos, your taste buds will be overly satisfied during your trip.

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